appliances for

Pediatric Dentistry.

We know pediatric dentistry and working with children is special so we treat it as such.


Pedodontists often care for their patients as if they were their own and we’re here to help. From habit breakers to space maintainers and any other laboratory needs we want to provide the best for your patients.

kids teeth photo

Accidents happen as does premature tooth loss and we have a couple options to temporarily replace missing teeth.

Orthodontic Maryland Bridge

This is an excellent long term temporary tooth restoration. Often used for adolescents with premature tooth loss or when there is an extended timeline for healing. We fabricate an acrylic tooth attached to a fixed lingual wire that gets bonded to the adjacent teeth, giving a natural look with minimal interference.

Pedo Partial

Using bands commonly placed on the molars we solder a lingual arch wire spanning closely to the edentulous area. Using high quality denture teeth we bond them to the wire for a solid and natural look that is very durable and functional.

This appliance uses acrylic and an arch wire soldered to bands on the first molars to make an appliance that maintains the maxillary arch form and opens the vertical dimension to encourage posterior eruption.

With bands placed on either side of the arch we custom bend a lingual arch wire with adjustment loops.

Using a small spur, this space maintainer is used to prevent an erupting tooth from moving into the place of another unerupted tooth or to guide a tooth’s eruption.

This space maintainer is reserved for the maxillary and helps prevent both the arch from collapsing and molars from drifting. Using bands on the first molars we a solder a wire that leads to an acrylic button in the premaxilla.

The Transpalatal Arch is a very functional alternative to the nance. A simple wire with an omega loop is soldered to the first molars and allows for molar movement. Be it rotation, expansion or constriction, torque, or just space maintenance this appliance does it all.

When the arch is stable except for that one edentulous space a band and loop is commonly prescribed. 

Space Maintainers

Not everything in orthodontics works on a perfect time line and sometime there is a waiting game, that is where space maintainers come in. Whether a tooth was lost prematurely or you just finished some expansion we have the perfect appliance to hold the space for whatever may be next.

Sports guard designed for ortho patients.

Braces shouldn’t keep kids from being active but it does mean they have to be a little more careful. With doctors collaboration we can make a soft sports guard designed to protect but one that also allows for tooth movement.

Habit Appliance

When a thumb sucking habit or tongue habit is persistent intervention may be needed by way of a number of appliances.

When thumb sucking becomes an extreme issue, intervention is needed and the thumb crib may be an answer. Using bands on the molars We add a lingual arch wire and more that impedes the ability for one to acquire suction on the premaxilla.

Using bands on the molars we add a lingual arch wire with another set of wires that curl down within the mandibular arch to prevent extreme tongue thrusting.

Instead of just preventing a tongue habit this appliance provides an alternative. with bands on the molars we add a lingual arch wire with acrylic ‘pearls’ that spin freely for the patient to focus their tongue on.

The most simple of the habit appliances that can be used for either tongue or thumb habits. Using bands on the molars we use a single wire to stretch across the premaxilla in a wave pattern.

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